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  • Writer's pictureVirtualAssistant|ADijamco

Do you really need a virtual assistant?

As the man above says, this is an excellent question!

But really, it is a no brainer people!

If you are someone who has a lot on your plate, and you forget even your wife or husband or kids' birthday, jeez! you're in trouble! I will cite below the ultimate reasons why do you need a virtual assistants and the types of people who really need it.

First and most important thing to a business. MONEY.

You can actually save a lot from hiring a virtual assistant compared with hiring a regular in-house employee. No need to get additional employee space, pay taxes, insurance, paid leaves, and other imperative expenses for an in-house employee. So if you're just starting to put up a business and doesn't have much capital for these expenses, virtual assistant can really help you a lot in starting up.

Virtual assistants are focused on their given task. They take deadlines so seriously like their life depends on it.

Comparing a 9-5 hrs a day employee with a 4-hrs a day virtual assistant - Who do you think is more productive at the end of their shift? In-house employee has so many distractions; coffee break, morning break, lunch, afternoon break, chit chatting break, powder room break, etc. A virtual assistant regardless of his working environment, is focused and dedicated to the task list given to him at a very specific deadline. They prioritize client's satisfaction of their output. Because client's satisfactory is what keeps their contract going. They can be easily replaced and terminated compared with in-house employee which has so many legalities when it comes to termination.

Save yourself from repetitive time consuming tasks!

Do I need to expound on this? Browsing, sorting and reading through all those emails could painfully consume your precious time. Instead on focusing on how to get your business grow or preparing for an important meeting, you are stuck in front those emails for hours. Why not hire a virtual assistant to do your email management for you? Research perhaps? Booking an appointment or flight? Data management? And so much more time consuming tasks you repeatedly do everyday.

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