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Live on. Thrive.

Self-improvement often gets easily neglected when getting by these days is tough and will suck your whole energy. Or sometimes, we just accepted the life that we have without realizing that there is a better version of it. Stress, problems, and too much negativity can cloud our minds in deciding and recognizing the opportunities to improve our way of life. Isn’t nicer that we grow and flourish as we live and not just live for the sake of living?

Thriving is a continuous effort of self-improvement, whether it is physical, mental, or even social. Think about the things you're passionate about, and the skills or talents that you have. Can you think of a way to improve them?

It doesn't have to be grandeur every time. Learning a new word is self-improvement already! It can be as minute as that :-)

Perspective. Goal. Positivity.

The journey becomes easier and more fulfilling if you set your goals early on. Yes, everybody is different. Some may discover what they want later on and it is ok. As long as you're not stuck in your bubble and too afraid to pop out of it. Pursuing a purpose can never be too late. Mindset is key.

No man is an island. Cliche? yes, but indeed powerful.

Thriving is not just about you. It is also about the habitat that you're in. A healthy relationship with the people around you motivates you. It gives you peace and assurance that there is someone who will pick you up when you stumble and will give you encouragement and strength whenever. And so it is beneficial that you surround yourself with people who also constantly want to improve themselves.

Ending here with a bible verse,

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

-Psalm 139:14

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